Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Day 4

Today was my last day of work until this this is all finished, and probably a good thing, because I am really starting to look red and splotchy. My nose is bright red and my eyes are pretty puffy.
As you can see, I shaved the beard and goatee off today at the doctors request, its been years since I have been clean shaven on the chin. I guess it will be easier to apply the medicine when my face gets really raw without the facial hair.
I feel like I have a pretty bad sunburn, especially on my forehead and scalp, and I have now become pretty self conscious about my looks. I don't look forward to being around anyone other than my family anymore, the pictures don't do the splotchiness justice.
Luckily, I actually feel pretty good. I've had a lot of sunburns in my life, so I can tolerate the soreness so far. We rented the 24' budget truck today, and I was able to load our storage unit and our shed and all of the boxes we have packed so far, so we made a lot of headway today and are ahead of schedule by a full day.
I cannot stress to those who read this enough to WEAR SUNSCREEN and a HAT! You do not want to have to deal with this kind of stuff when you are older. I hope my Daughters especially pay attention...Girls, you have my genes, Take care of, and protect your skin, and make sure your husbands and future children do the same!
My doctor gave me some pamplets on skin cancer and after reading them I am certain that my 25 years of smoking cigarettes didn't help either, but ultimately, the sun exposure is the biggest factor.
  Please continue to keep us in your prayers, I need all of the help I can get!


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